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Bay View School Policies

Research shows coming to school each day and on time has a positive impact on learning. We also understand there are times when absences are unavoidable such as, illness, medical/dental appointments, or a death in the immediate family are legally excusable absences. When your child is absent, we ask that you telephone the office and/or send a note to school explaining the reason for the absence.


If you have a planned vacation or other family reason for absence, please check in with Gail in the front office for an Independent Study Contract to avoid unexcused absences.

It is important that students come to school on time.  Students are expected to be in their classroom by 8:25 a.m. each day. All students that arrive after 8:25 a.m. must go to the office with a parent/guardian or with a note explaining why they are late.


Before & After School
Our Campus, including the Cafeteria opens at 8 a.m. for breakfast. We do not provide before or after school supervision (outside of our official after school programs). You are responsible for supervising your child until 8:25, and students should be picked up at dismissal time and may not play on the playground after 2:45 because this area is used by our After School Program.


Release of Children to Adults
By law, we cannot release a child to anyone who is not listed on the emergency form. Be sure this form is filled out, signed, and returned to school prior to finding out your child’s class placement. Also, please be sure to let us know of any changes that occur during the school year. Please sign out in the school office if you need to take your child off campus before dismissal time.

Off Campus Visitors
All visitors must check in with the office when visiting the school.  Families interested in observing a classroom must make arrangements in the front office at least 48 hours in advance.  School gates will be closed daily during school hours. Anyone arriving after 8:30 a.m. must enter campus through the front office.


We do not tolerate bullying or discrimination in any form at Bay View Elementary. All students are asked to report acts of bullying or harassment to an adult. Santa Cruz City Schools have adopted a policy that prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying. You can find the complete policy at

Lost and Found
Lost articles of clothing will be stored on our Lost and Found Cart located in front of the cafeteria. Please write your child’s name on all jackets and other items. Other lost articles may be stored in the office. All unclaimed items are donated to charity several times a year.


Wellness Policy - Lunch, Snacks and Birthdays
The educational mission of the Santa Cruz City School District includes improving the health and wellness in our community by teaching students to establish and maintain lifelong healthy eating and physical activity habits. To that end, we ask that parents support our effort by bringing healthy options for birthday or classroom celebrations. Good alternatives include fresh fruit, vegetables, healthy crackers, and fruit juice. Please check with your child’s teacher for other healthy snack ideas.


Money, Toys and Cell Phones at School
Please keep all expensive items, including large amounts of money, at home.  Toys should also stay at home unless students teacher has granted permission. While we recognize that some students may need cell phones to connect with parents after school, cell phones and smart watches must be turned off and put away during school hours, and may not be used during the school day.


1231 Bay St,

Santa Cruz, CA 95060


Phone (831) 429-3991

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