Welcome to Bay View School
We are a multicultural, neighborhood school that offers an enriched educational experience to all students, TK through fifth grade. Our warm, welcoming, active school community offers many opportunities for families to be involved in their child’s school experience. We have many parents volunteering in the classroom, serving on one of our parent committees, family dances, a family art day, Green Apple Day, and a popular Spring Carnival.
Bay View is where everybody is somebody!

Our primary goal for your child is academic success. Regardless of language, learning style, or choice of program, your child will be challenged and receive the full curriculum for their grade level. We offer differentiated lessons for all ability levels and small group instruction for literacy and math. Taught by highly qualified teachers, our academic program includes:
A comprehensive mathematics program that goes beyond computation to focus on problem solving.
Differentiated reading instruction in grades 1 - 5
Hands-on classroom science instruction, supplemented by a school-wide Life Lab science and nutrition program, taught in our beautiful campus garden.
Multi-media art instruction taught by credentialed art teachers, in addition to art created in the classroom.
Weekly vocal and instrumental music instruction for fourth and fifth graders.
Physical Education lessons that emphasize individual skill development as well as teamwork and cooperation.
A spacious library media center, staffed by a credentialed Teacher Librarian, boasting a collection of over 22,000 books, with rich instruction, STEAM-based activities, and is used during the school day by students, and after school by children and their families.
Development Lessons; English Learners receive daily English Language Development lessons.
A language arts program that integrates oral language, reading, writing, and social studies instruction.
A recess coach who provides active engagement and play opportunities for all students during break times.
Mission Statement
Bay View School is a safe and welcoming
community where everyone is respected and learning is valued. Our school is a dynamic learning environment where everyone is engaged and inspired to do their personal best. Our rich academic curriculum includes the arts, field trips, library, Life Lab, nutrition, and music. Diversity is embraced; it enriches our learning community. Students, families, and staff work together as a team to ensure academic success and social responsibility for everyone.
At Bay View School,
everybody is somebody.​​